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Celebrate Mom


Show Mom how much you care with our stunning, hand-tied bouquets - the perfect Mother's Day gift!


Each bouquet is lovingly made by survivors and co-founders Leha and Crystal and features the freshest blooms and lush greenery grown right here on our farm. From elegant ruffled tulips to airy cloud grass, we'll craft a bouquet that's sure to touch her heart.


Each bouquet comes beautifully wrapped in kraft paper and includes a customizable message from you - the perfect way to show your love and appreciation. And with a postcard highlighting our mission to help survivors heal, your gift will have an even greater impact.


Order now to reserve your bouquet for Mother's Day. But hurry - quantities are limited, and demand is high!


Make this Mother's Day unforgettable with a gorgeous, custom bouquet from our farm.


Order now and give Mom the gift of beauty and love!


More Gifts For Mom 

Shop our tea, candles and floral salt soaks. 

New Rest Tea Photos.png
Mother's Day Pre-Order

Place your order now for only $68


Pre-order today for delivery Friday,

May 12 to Sunday, May 2023

Order Deadline May 12, 2023.

Thanks for your order!

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